12. Civil war in Pacific

12. Civil war in Pacific

Civil war in Pacific Audio recording by Civil war in Pacific https://redcedarfiles.b-cdn.net/englishOutput/merged_audio_12.mp3 The Civil War reached Pacific, Missouri, in June 1861 when local Postmaster William Inks was recruited by Union General Nathaniel Lyon to...
11. Historic first baptist church

11. Historic first baptist church

Historic first baptist church Audio recording by Historic first baptist church https://redcedarfiles.b-cdn.net/englishOutput/merged_audio_11.mp3 The 1874 church is the oldest African American church in the Pacific area. Five generations have worshiped, been baptized,...
10. B.F. Allen School

10. B.F. Allen School

B.F. Allen School Audio recording by B.F. Allen School https://redcedarfiles.b-cdn.net/englishOutput/merged_audio_10.mp3 B.F. Allen, initially an elementary teacher at the Pacific School for Colored Children, became a pivotal figure in Missouri’s educational...
9. The Boom Years

9. The Boom Years

The Boom Years Audio recording by The Boom Years https://redcedarfiles.b-cdn.net/englishOutput/merged_audio_9.mp3 Over 70 years post-Civil War, the area near the railroad tracks plotted by Inks evolved into a bustling community with multi-generational family...
8. The Pacific Railroad

8. The Pacific Railroad

The Pacific Railroad Audio recording by The Pacific Railroad https://redcedarfiles.b-cdn.net/englishOutput/merged_audio_8.mp3 The Pacific Railroad started construction on its new line from St. Louis west to Pacific on May 10th, 1850, and the first train came into...